Kevin Spafford

Kevin Spafford
Legacy By Design, Farm Journal Legacy Project

Kevin Spafford was born and raised in rural Northern California. As a teenager, he spent summers milking cows on his uncle’s dairy in Wisconsin. Over those formative summers he fell in love with farming and went on to earn a degree in Agricultural Management from California Polytechnic State University.

After devoting more than 20 years in financial services, Kevin wanted to find a way to directly serve the agricultural community. In 2005, he founded Legacy by Design, a succession planning firm dedicated exclusively to helping agribusiness owners (  

He is the author of Legacy by Design: Succession Planning for Agribusiness Owners, and proudly serves as the succession planning expert for the Farm Journal Legacy Project ( Supported by Pioneer Hi-Bred, the Legacy Project is a long-term initiative to address the succession planning needs of farm families.

Kevin’s column, ‘Leave a Legacy’, has been a part of Farm Journal since 2006. He’s the host of the nationally-televised ‘Leave a Legacy’ TV, and facilitates a series of Legacy Project Workshops for farm families across the U.S.

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